Lars Dietrich, also known as Lars Lucy 8Legion, is a sculptor who has built multiple iterations of two autonomous computers known as Lucy and 8Legion that perform music along with musicians. Lucy and 8legion appear as a disembodied woman (and man) on a television screens inter-meshed with various musical implements and synthesizers that each of them use to interact with other performers. There are multiple iterations of Lucy, each generally advancing in complexity and have increasingly sophisticated ways of interacting with other performers. Lucy and 8Legion are described both as autonomous beings with personhood, as well an authors along with Lars on musical compositions. Lucy and 8Legion have been variously described as artworks and also described as being built by Lars.


As of March 2020, Both Lucy and 8Legion are depicted as cell shaded 3D figures who have a resemblance to video game and anime style characters.
Lars has representation though Powsolo, an sound art collective.

Youtube channel 1)
Instagram 2)
Twitter 3)
Bandcamp 4)
Soundcloud 5)
Lars Dietrich's official website 6)
Wikipedia article 7)
Bio featured on Powsolo8), note the sterile way that Lucy and 8Legion are described in comparison to the way they are referenced on his twitter.

lars_dietrich.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/03/27 09:50 by mete
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