=== CAR SOUND CULTURE BIBLIOGRAPHY === This is the speculative bibliography for the car culture essay \\ {{topic>car_culture }} \\ ==Scholarly work on the subject== Karin Bijsterveld, Listening to Machines: Industrial Noise, Hearing Loss and the Cultural Meaning of Sound, Sound Studies Reader \\ Karin Bijsterveld, “Acoustic Cocooning: How the Car became a Place to Unwind.” The Senses and Society 5, no. 2 (2010): 189–211. \\ Stefan Krebs, Toward a Cultural History of Car sound(s) ((https://orbilu.uni.lu/bitstream/10993/21163/1/Krebs,%20Towards%20a%20cultural%20history%20of%20car%20sound.pdf)) \\ Daniel Miller Car Cultures ((https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=rTPpDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=car+sound+culture&ots=91olQxLvE_&sig=u6FFHyx4Xh7MQGbVeJ2GGPM7KDo#v=onepage&q=car%20sound%20culture&f=false)) \\ Michael Bull, Automobility and the Power of Sound, sound listening and experience in cars ((https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0263276404046069)) \\ Josh Kun Audiotopia, Music, Race, and America. Goes over Car Culture in Los Angeles ((https://www.ucpress.edu/books/audiotopia/paper)) \\ Tomie Hahn, It's the Rush, Sites of the Sentually Extreme. Discusses monster truck culture, including in respects to how they sound ((https://watermark.silverchair.com/dram.2006.50.2.87.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAA3cwggNzBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggNkMIIDYAIBADCCA1kGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQM0hJloaLsGy0axdkgAgEQgIIDKpGOUSItkl9ZY7Rees-nhOYFmt-Q1kdKoidwno23hQdbiNzMFSurUWPUbhmf4JOCkUJwRYLxVTXoyuomkIh7vljYVM-4M2GkvheVf6MOGYQlcJGwgEvCVR9ktttIHM2KBatfIg_TnjAj417WwtH0JZ_o_zjR604iEvWSCFrbe4kRMyUqH0cPi2TZPz0rbDnWrvAesI69LtgWsq-ZSrpRo74OPF7bvuMBDq3cd5As8OyM8ZnBmOHJ-R_jQqwdOxNXB99ycUsdagyFgoqsNCbK5a0JHzWaoSVOM2aORcnyyuH4o1l-kumvvpiNa_ULGEdUDcZXwARtvPuNjLuMPYwGRFYovJXXuMi7FE773U5afUBVYgD3IVXCO4OA_Kr60WBTpnAR3EGbEAMPv_ttbfFMt5XtTVQWtd2qeOXdCOeCVmH5r_c9_2XUue6lZIOP9bPvam_PgEsrd3FncnKHEgbFXikEdqgRL6CGqmNTXGeAB3VosQz7Ee8PCP_Hd-h7xF99OJIjZZjSEutTzRg4LAuQoqa4X3BvDZV3pZaBgCVH8zp2hZnLVXMoIrPPmnOj5THixX9f3Okp5XYyzSBD9D3-AFQ_prHMzEIYBOyfLJrBvykqWFEggJMSYRMKdvmRh4lWi44grIHTebzmu8cr8PNM3FmnAS1uK8wP7A8iQziWSbh0rFVBUx2Y6LaSxAIkk957mpk32PVSsTB4gEMqldjwVwJ4fWpKVDdOjCxA_78lalV15pSKEYlb-ay2y_Hc0mnaL-pT4JHtfiRKPEdXPI3bjMqkDy7MyIKOD-kXFe76pKu5AMWZTKB5e6nnDwhna-bncHXvUszgp21IrUe2GhoKUgGd-dlL57mqCNc6JaHWRHL1ug3GXYpM3Fv3Exfr3RcB1cN2taCXwl8aCMEB1y8GTEMNKJqE093dkOvpJEaEwXBo4YSQaH4EiWf_cvVys9zxtKXtLECXZIv4FxcVn8KyG5h9dPQF0OQxGHOQ7zmF7csGtOdqPJMfp3M6d_EeObAC_QUIL7_XhjRYt5yIm-1UqK22lMJ8vG8wtSsvu5GgRVooZb4yyiMzxfbVhA)) \\ ==Sound Design== Categorization of engine sound ' 'right sound for right car'. Thus, customers' favorite sound should be analysed'((http://www.akustik.uni-oldenburg.de/literatur/463_Kubo_etal.pdf)) \\ Active design of automotive engine sound 'active sound control' ((https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=11302)) \\ Development and Sound Design of an Electric Sports Car ((https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/2016-01-1783/)) \\ creating a sports sound by adaptation of the exhaust manifold and the downpipe ((https://www.osti.gov/etdeweb/biblio/20164400)) \\ ==Theory== Pauline Oliveros, Deep Listening \\ Natasha Lushetich, Fluxus The Practice of Non-Duality \\ ==News Articles & Culture Writing== ===EXAMPLES=== ==Music & Dance== Musicals, movies and songs from the mid century that utilize car sounds and culture. \\ Erik Satie, Parade (Sirens) ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuZ4DYywqpw)) \\ Shahryar Nashat's version of Parade (which includes many parts of An American in Paris? as well?\\ Béla Bartók, The Miraculous Mandarin ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLs-Qv-QwAg)) \\ George Gershwin: An American in Paris ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HI62_udgEI)) \\ Jeffrey Plett, Offensive Driving ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoVTGC9CDPk&t=2653s)) ((Full Score https://www.jeffreyplett.com/files/scores/Offensive%20Driving%20-%20Full%20Score.pdf))\\ Celia Hollander, Air Out ((http://www.threethirtythree.biz/airout.html)) \\ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Theme Song ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTTzcXSLjhI)) \\ ==Film== Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) (this film has almost everything im looking for) \\ Speed Racer (cartoon series, lots of whacky folly sounds) \\ Cars (disney film, how do they construct sound???) \\ Fast and the Furious series (and their decline into fantasy) \\ Genevieve \\ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang \\ Baby Driver (2017) ((That crucial connection between cars and music has certainly been explored by other filmmakers over the years, but Wright takes things further: He finds in the protagonist’s primal connection to cars and music a poignant symbol for his emotional isolation, his need to hold the world at bay.)) ((https://www.vulture.com/2015/04/29-greatest-car-movies-ever.html)) \\ Thunder Road (1958)\\ Vanishing Point (1971) (speculative) \\ Ford v. Ferrari (speculative) \\ The 5th Element (creates a dark future that still has cars, what do they sound like?)\\ Taxi Driver (1976) (speculative) \\ **Car based horror** \\ Christine (1983) \\ The Car (1977) Horror \\ The Hitchhiker (1953) \\ **Comedy** \\ Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006) (speculative, likely has a humorous inclusion of racing sound ) \\ The Hot Rock (1972) Notable for its lack of a car getaway scene, calling comedy into the situation \\ ==Video Games== My Summer Car \\ Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game \\ BeamNG Drive (extreme car customization, likely involves engine sound too) \\ Wrench (racing game, again with extreme customization options) \\ Grand Theft Auto series (there has to be something in these about car sounds) \\ Grand Tarismo Series (run of the mill racing games, but claim to have hyper realistic real world cars) \\ Mario Kart (note how children's games make vehicles sound) \\ Wipeout series (distant idealistic future racing with extrema scifi sounds) \\ Simpsons hit and run (speculative) \\ ==Musicals== Company ((Scene with horns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbAfu6PNDbM)) ((whole musical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNZGdSurN_8))\\ ==Instruments== Bart Hopkin Musical Siren((https://barthopkin.com/instrumentarium/siren/)), Savarts Wheel ((https://barthopkin.com/instrumentarium/savarts-wheel/)) \\ Luigi Russolo Italian futurist painter and instrument maker who in 1913 made the Intonarumori ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYPXAo1cOA4)) \\ Luigi Russolo's Essay The Art of Noises ((https://web.archive.org/web/20100305212012/http://120years.net/machines/futurist/art_of_noise.html)) \\ Historic Horns that match the 1929 recording at LA Percussion Rentals ((https://www.lapercussionrentals.com/instruments/taxi-horns-for-an-american-in-paris-1929-version)) \\ Modern Taxi Horns for An American in Paris ((https://www.lapercussionrentals.com/instruments/taxi-horns-for-an-american-in-paris)) \\ According to LA Percussion rentals a full set of Taxi Horns are tuned from C4-C6, this should represent a good representation of the expected scope of their pitch range. \\ Investigate further into the historic car horn collection at the Nethercutt Collection((https://nethercuttcollection.org/the-collection/lower-salon/)), this likely represents a good sample of the types, scope and presentation of car horns from the first half of the 1900s \\ In which ways were Klaxon (Ahooga) Horns used? \\ ===RILM Abstracts of Music Literature=== Waitt, Gordon, et al. “'Let’s Have Some Music’: Sound, Gender and Car Mobility.” Mobilities, vol. 12, no. 3, 2017, pp. 324–42. EBSCOhost, https://doi.org/10.1080/17450101.2015.1076628. Cleophas, Eefje, and Karin Bijsterveld. “Selling Sound: Testing, Designing, and Marketing Sound in the European Car Industry.” The Oxford Handbook of Sound Studies, Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 102–24. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ram&AN=A941494&site=ehost-live. ===NOTES=== perfect pitch and knowledge of cars and identification \\ Katakis noise \\ audio culture anthology \\ low rider culture (chino studies) \\ google scholar *without music* \\ rosalilla moto mami album\\ {{tag>[UCLA car_culture all]}}