This is a list of instrument builders, inventors, and performers. This list features inventors working from after 1900 till now. For a maker to be featured they must have made at least 2 qualifying instruments see [[Idiosyncrasy]], for makers with tremendous potential who do not yet fully qualify see [[Fledgling|Fledgling Makers]].\\ \\ \\ =====A ===== [[Justice Yeldham|Lucas Abela]]- Australian musician and instrument maker who makes complex instrument sculptures that are also arcade games, has an independent stage career as Justice Yeldham playing broken shards of glass. \\ [[Sherko Abbas]]- Sound sculptor who makes instruments that recreate the sounds of violence and trauma. \\ [[Alan Affichard]]- Sound sculptor based out of Germany that makes complex pneumatic sound sculptures (( (( (( ((\\ [[Erik Alalooga]]- Estonian instrument maker, maker of the [[Postinstrumentum]] instruments. (( (( (( (( (( \\ [[Brian Alexander]]- Finalist in the 2021 [[Guthman Competition]], makes instruments under the name Trace Bloom. (( (( (( ((\\ [[Alan Albright]]- Early maker of wooden ocarinas, made many experimental models. \\ [[Ganesh Anandan]]- Maker of the ShrutiStick. Featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Chris Andersen]]- Inventor of the Euphone, instrument inventor for the Bali Steel Pan company.\\ [[Laurie Anderson]]- Sculptor, musician, and instrument inventor, known for the [[Tape-Bow Violin]] ((\\ [[Rafaele Andrade]]- Instrument inventor and artist who has worked on expanded cello called a Knurl and expanded bow called Un-Bow. (( (( \\ [[Alfio Antico]]- Italian folk musician and experimental tambourine maker, known for his large and unusual tambourines. \\ [[Robin Armstrong]]- Astrologer and creator of the [[Celestial Harp]], featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Mark Applebaum]]- Maker of many unusual instruments to suit his composition needs, often using [[electromechanical]] means.\\ [[Eric Archer]]- Builder of experimental and esoteric analog synthesizers who has released prolific guides on how to build them ((, (( ((\\ [[Ricardo Arias]]- Mysterious instrument maker featured on [[Oddstruments]], known for The Balloon Kit.\\ [[Juan Arminandi]]- competitor in the 2021 [[Guthman Competition]] ((\\ [[Enrico Ascoli]] – Conceptual sound sculptor. Makes [[Self Contained]] instruments. \\ [[Tarek Atoui]]- Builds electromechanical sculptures that are self playing and presented in large groupings as soundscapes.\\ =====B ===== [[P. D. Q. Bach]]- Also known as Peter Schickele, Eccentric composer and inventor of the [[tromboon]]\\ [[Zach Balousek]]- Maker of large sound vessel sculptures that are interactive objects that make noise when rocked. \\ [[Chris Banta]]- Los Angeles percussionist who makes experimental bar percussion, known for recreating rare instruments and extending ranges of existing instruments. (( (( \\ [[Mike Barclay]]- Works with electromechanical tuning forks. \\ [[Mark Allan Barnes]]- Also known as Ocean Tardigrade. Experimental string instrument maker. \\ [[David Barsotti]]- \\ [[Michael Jerome Bashaw]]- Maker of large scale musical sculptures, many of which are metal copies of smaller instruments made large. (( (( ((\\ [[Brian Baumbusch]]- Builder of the experimental gamelan inspired ensemble the [[Lightbulb ensemble]] (( (( \\ [[Baschet Brothers]]- Bernard Baschet and François Baschet known for inventing many instruments notably the [[Cristal Baschet]]\\ [[Pierre Bastien]]- Acoustic instrument builder who makes sound installations. ((\\ [[Dennis Báthory-Kitsz]]- Instrument maker who frequently makes instruments to solve unusual musical situations. Featured on [[Oddmusic]]. \\ [[Sam Battle]]- Known as Look Mum No Computer is a builder of musical machines. \\ [[Jeremy Bell]]- Inventor of the The [[ScrubBoard]] an electric tape "turntable" that can do audio manipulation similar to scratching a vinyl record.\\ [[David Bellinger]]- Makes experimental kalimba variants, often with [[Bowed Tongues]]. Featured on [[Oddmusic]]. \\ [[Anthony Belvado]]- A San Carlos Apache who makes Tsii”edo’a’tl (also known as Apache Fiddles).\\ [[Experimental Gamelan|Barbara Benary]]- Builder of the [[Experimental Gamelan|Experimental Gamelan Son of Lion]].\\ [[Johannes Bergmark]]- Makes frenetic musical instruments, installations and performance pieces. \\ [[Terry Berlier]]- Contemporary artist making sound sculptures. Instrument builder for the [[Great Noise Ensemble]]. (( (( \\ [[Philippe Berne]]- Experimental luthier (( (( ((\\ [[John Berndt]]- collaborator with [[Neil Feather]] and experimental music host in Baltimore, who influenced a number of makers.\\ [[Harry Bertoia]]- Sound sculptor \\ [[Hadrien Bertonniere]]- Instrument maker for the group [[Compagnie W3]] (( (( \\ [[Bash the Trash|John Bertles]]- Instrument maker and Co-director of [[Bash the Trash]], an educational music ensemble with instruments built by members out of found objects. \\ [[Ellis Berwick]]- Sound sculptor in the UK (( (( ((\\ [[Hamish Binns]]- Tinkerer and instrument maker In Madrid, Spain. He has made extensive diagrams for simple home made instruments (( (( \\ [[David Bithell]]- (( (( \\ [[Doug Blackley]]- Inventor of the Spectrumpiano. (( \\ [[Peter Blasser]]- Experimental electronic instrument builder working under the name Ciat-Lonbarde. (( (( (( (( \\ [[The Blueman group]]\\ [[Richard Bobo]]- Experimental woodwind maker, who makes instruments that extend the range of woodwind families. He is known for his subcontrabassoon project.\\ [[Harald Bode]]- Inventor of many electronic instruments for companies such as [[Hohner Instruments|Hohner]]\\ [[Gemma Luz Bosch]]- experimental ceramic instrument maker that focuses on ocarinas. (( (( \\ [[Denis Bouchard]]- \\ [[bourniplus]]- Full name unknown, maker in Quebec, Canada of various experimental keyboard instruments. (( \\ [[Frédéric Bousquet]]- Inventor of the set of instruments known as [[Ludophones]] (( (( (( ((\\ [[Till Bovermann]]- Builds tangible auditory instruments, runs [[Tai Studios]]. (( (( \\ [[Glenn Branca]]- Luthier that builds [[3rd Bridge]] guitars, similar to [[Yuri Landman]].\\ [[Adriano Castelo Branco]]- (( (( (( \\ [[Nicolas Bras]]- prolific maker of experimental percussion instruments built from household materials. \\ [[Glenn Braun]]- Luthier who makes historic instruments, also makes experimental string instruments based off of historic conventions. ((\\ [[Giles Brindley]]- Unusual inventor and scientist, invented the [[Logical Bassoon]]\\ [[Rob van den Broek]]- Instrument builder for the group Cello Octet Amsterdam (( (( \\ [[Bill Buchen]]- Instrument maker who had some involvement in the fluxus movement, now makes steel public art instruments (( (( (( ((\\ [[Don Buchla]]- Early pioneer of [[sound synthesizers]] inventor of the Buchla Synthesizer\\ [[Javier Bustos]]- Instrument maker and sculptor from Argentina (( (( \\ [[Ken Butler]]- Contributor to [[EMI]], and winner of the 2016 [[Guthman competition]], featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Matt Butt]]- Makes various experimental instruments as well as apparatuses worn over the ears to alter the ways people hear. \\ [[Caleb Byerly]]- \\ =====C ===== [[Roberto Velázquez Cabrera]]- Researches and recreates high fidelity Precolombian flutes\\ [[Patricia Cadavid]]- Maker of the Electronic_Khipu_, Finalist in the 2021 [[Guthman Competition]] (( \\ [[John Cage]]- Prolific proponent of [[prepared instruments]], and [[found objects]].\\ [[Hugh le Caine]]- \\ [[Cornelius Cardew]]- An immensely complex and influential figure, co founder of the [[Scratch Orchestra]] with [[Howard Skempton]] and [[Michael Parson]].\\ [[Fred Carlson]]- Experimental luthier who builds hybrid sting instruments which feature unusual drone mechanisms, featured on [[Oddmusic]]. \\ [[Lomond Campbell]]- Sound artist and musician who is one of the founders of [[Found Collective]]. (( (( ((\\ [[Joseph Casbarian]] Mysterious inventor of the Sequential Resonation Machine, featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[David Castiblanco]]- Based out of Bogota, Colombia, instrument maker for [[Latin Latas]]. \\ [[Max Castlunger]]- Instrument maker for Upcyling Music (( \\ [[Andy Cavatorta]]- Maker of self playing musical sculptures, which often produce continuous and ambient sound profiles (( (( \\ [[John H. Chalmers]]- known for his microtonal music analysis,publisher of the magazine Xenharmonicon, he worked out divisions of the tetrachord.\\ [[Wendy Chambers]]- inventor of the Car Horn Organ \\ [[Emmett Chapman]]- inventor of the [[Chapman Stick]].\\ [[Luciano Chessa]]- Bay Area artist and builder of Intonarumori, he is also an academic on Luigi Russolo and teaches courses on experimental musical instrument makers (( (( \\ [[Tor Clausen]]- Builder of musical instrument furniture under the name Tor Studios. \\ [[William Close]]- Builder of [[Long-String Instrument]]s, builder of the Symphonic House, controversial figure, featured on [[Oddmusic]]. \\ [[Tolgahan Çoğulu]]- Microtonal guitar builder and winner of the 2014 [[Guthman competition]]. \\ [[Chase Coley]]- Instrument maker who has many variations on the [[Waterphone]]\\ [[Dan Conrad]]- Instrument builder featured on [[oddstruments]], builds instruments with unusual acoustic phenomenon, little info on him online.\\ [[Richard Cooke]]- Democratic percussion instrument maker. featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Rod Cooper]]- Australian noise musician and instrument maker who works with metal, sensors and motors to make noise music. (( (( (( (( \\ [[Daniel Corral]]- sound sculptor and experiential musician.\\ [[Pierre-Jean Croset]]- inventor of the 18 string Lyra \\ [[Jason Cullup]]- Tinkerer who builds electroacoustic instruments that focus on rough noise. (( (( \\ =====D ===== [[Philip Dadson]]- founder of the group [[From Scratch]], founding member of the [[Scratch Orchestra]], contributer to [[EMI]] magazine, featured on [[Oddmusic]]. \\ [[Henry Dagg]]- Instrument maker and sound sculptor who is famous for his cat organ as well as his sharpsichord. \\ [[Terry Dame]]- Instrument builder for the [[Electric Junkyard Gamelan]]. \\ [[Ivor Darreg]]- Coined the word [[Xenharmonic]], frequent contributor to [[EMI]] magazine \\ [[Hugh Davies]]- \\ [[Bryan Day]]- Acoustic electric musical instrument maker known for his Metric Tapewarp. In the [[Euphotic]] ensemble along with [[Cheryl Leonard]]\\ [[John Calhoun Deagan]]- of the [[Deagan Instruments|Deagan Percussion Company]] fame.\\ [[David Defois]]- Inventor of the Korn Bass also known as the Boudophone, a slide didgeridoo that is geared to allow the sliding action to have a much larger range. (( (( (( (( \\ [[Erin Demastes]]- An [[electromechanical]] instrument maker who often uses household objects and sounds. \\ [[Constance Demby]]- Experimental Musician and inventor of the [[Space Bass]] and [[Whale Sail]]\\ [[Brian Dennis]]- Experimental composer who worked out many unusual ways of notating music for children, built simplified instruments to use with his notation as well. (( \\ [[Henri-pierre Deroux]] (( (( (( (( \\ [[Diana Deutsch]]- Psychologist who focuses on the psychology of music.\\ [[Mark Deutsch]]- Inventor of the [[Bazantar]], featured on [[oddmusic]].\\ [[Darrell DeVore]]- Also known as Dr. Um, experimental free jazz instrument builder, was known for developing a bullroarer that uses rubber bands (( ((Note that he has played with Tom Waits\\ [[Oliver DiCicco]]- Builder of instruments ans kinetic sound sculptures. Featured on [[oddmusic]].\\ [[Lars Dietrich]]- Also known as 8Legion. Makes musical sculptures of an interactive autonomous computer performer that is a disembodied woman known as Lucy. \\ [[Jerome Desigaud]]- French instrument maker that focuses on instruments made from gourds (( (( \\ [[Angel Distefano]]- (( (( (( ((\\ [[Mu Do]]- Ceramic and bamboo musical instrument maker. Little presence online.(( \\ [[Jim Doble]]- Unique percussion instrument builder.\\ [[Paul Dresher]]- Known for being the instrument maker for the [[Paul Dresher Ensemble]], frequently collaborates with [[Daniel Schmidt]]. \\ [[Dean Drummond]]- Instrument builder for the [[Newband]]- A microtonal ensemble made with copies of the [[Harry Partch]] instruments, also invented instruments of his own.((\\ [[Jacques Dudon]]- known for his experiments using water to effect the resonating patterns of string instruments. ((\\ [[Tony Duggan-Smith]]- Builder of the [[Apprehension Engine]]\\ [[Judy Dunaway]]- Makes latex balloon instruments that she plays in unique ways.\\ [[Graham Dunning]]- creator and builder of the featherphone. \\ =====E ===== [[Karl Ekdahl]]- Maker of electroacoustic string instruments. (( (( ((\\ [[Alice Eldridge]]- [[electromechanical]] musical instrument maker- \\ [[Julia Elsas]]- Ceramic instrument maker. Makes under the name Sonicmud. (( \\ [[Pete Engelhart]]- Metalworker who makes unusual percussion instruments. (( ((This is great!\\ [[Martin Espino]]- Los Angeles based instrument maker that makes a large amount of simple functional instruments out of found, natural, and recycled materials. (( (( \\ [[Tom Owen Every]]- known as Dr. Evermor, builder of a large scale metal musical sculpture called the Komodo Dragons that is played as an orchestra by a group (( (( \\ =====F ===== [[Jochen Fassbender]]*- German instrument builder who mainly works in glass, stone, and metal. Has a wide array of unusual variations on instruments (( (( (( \\ [[Neil Feather]]- Builder of a very diverse set of instruments, featured on [[Oddstruments]].\\ [[Camilla Margherita Ferrari]]- Builds expanded versions of baroque and medieval instruments. (( ((\\ [[Alex Ferris]]- Builder of the [[Anarchestra]]\\ [[Albrecht Fersch]]- Bermin based sound sculptor. (( (( (( ((\\ [[Jem Finer]]- Maker of the Instrument/composition the [[Longplayer]] which is a 100 year long composition played on 234 amassed instruments.\\ [[Sergey Filatov]]- Russian electronic instrument maker and sound sculptor. (( (( \\ [[Lucky Dragons|Luke Fischbeck]]- Collaborates with [[Lucky Dragons|Sarah Rara]] on the project [[Lucky Dragons]].\\ [[Martin Foag]]- Experimental clarinet maker for the company [[Martin Foag|Foag Klarinetten]], makes Ab down to Octocontrabass Clarinets. (( (( \\ [[Daniel Fishkin]]- Builds various [[Daxophone]] relatives. \\ [[Cris Forster]]- Builds complex just intonation instruments and works on a project called [[Musical Mathematics]] and the [[Chrysalis Project]], featured on [[oddmusic]].\\ [[Susanne Fröhlich]]- Recorder player and researcher working on ways to make expanded recorders. Worked with [[Maarten Helder]] to build the Helder Evo Tenor.(( (( \\ [[Ellen Fullman]]- Inventor of the [[Long-String Instrument]] and the first person to make use of [[longitudinal vibration]] in a string instrument. (( (( \\ [[Rob Funkhouser]]- Experimental percussionist who builds metal instruments including an experimental [[Cristal Baschet]]. (( (( (( \\ =====G ===== [[Victor Gama]]- Makes acoustic instruments\\ [[Jean-Pierre Gauthier]]- builder of sound installations (( (( \\ [[Xavier Gazon]]- A builder of playful [[Circuit Bending]] instruments. He also makes some [[Electromechanical]] instruments. (( \\ [[Reed Ghazala]]- Inventor of [[Circuit Bending|circuit bent]] instruments, featured on [[Oddmusic]], contributor to [[EMI]] Magazine.\\ [[Connor Gibbs]]- Experimental instrument maker after the specific goal of making the highest pitched acoustic instruments possible (( (( \\ [[Kite Giedraitis]]- Builder of the Kite Guitar, microtonal guitar builder (( (( (( \\ [[Simone Giertz]]- Youtuber who makes videos about building things, she has multiple times created absurd instruments that have an element of failure to them. (( (( \\ [[Gijs Gieskes]]- [[electromechanical]] instrument maker. \\ [[Mark Di Giuseppe]]- One man band instrument builder, frequently recombines different instruments together in unique ways (( (( ((\\ [[Jonathan Glasier]]- builder of the Pentaphone. \\ [[Sasha Gorelik]]- experimental electro-acoustic string instrument maker (( (( \\ [[Percy Grainger]]- Built a 1/6th tone piano known as the [[Butterfly Piano]] ((\\ [[Bob Grawi]]- Inventor of the [[Gravikord]], contributor to [[EMI]] Magazine, featured on [[Oddmusic]]. \\ [[Ken Gray]]- An Electro Sculptor who made a number of electronic instruments that functioned as interactive sound sculptures. Very little is available online about him. (( (( ((\\ [[John Grayson]]- Prolific instrument builder, theorist, and writer based in Canada. He is a rather elusive figure to research.\\ [[Marco Antônio Guimarães]]- Prolific instrument builder and inventor for [[Uakti]]\\ [[Kraig Grady]]- Builder of [[Experimental Gamelan]] inspired microtonal instruments that are used to play a unique style of music that of a conculture called [[Anaphoria]].\\ [[Garry Greenwood]]- Leather artist who makes musical instruments out of leather. Featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[John Grieve]]- Sound sculptor who uses recontextualized musical instrument parts. (( (( \\ [[Katie Grinnan]]- Creator of the [[Astrology Orchestra]]. \\ =====H ===== [[Bruce Haack]]- Featured in the Encyclopedia of musical instruments\\ [[Jay Scott Hackleman]]- Microtonal string instrument maker, notable for his 19edo clavichords (( \\ [[Barry Hall]]- Ceramic musical instrument maker, featured on [[Oddmusic]], one of the makers in the [[Burnt Earth Ensemble]], contributor to [[EMI]] Magazine. \\ [[Scott F. Hall]]- An experimental luthier who makes playful variations of common string instruments.\\ [[Laurens Hammond]]- Inventor of the [[Hammond Organ]]. \\ [[Daniel Hansen]]- Maker behind RootFlute, makes spiritual and meditation instruments that are played as a [[one man band]] (( \\ [[John Hardin]]- Eclectic instrument maker working in Humboldt county California (( (( (( (( (( \\ [[Wayland Harman]]- Maker of mouth bows and an instrument called the [[clackamore]], featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Lou Harrison]]- Builder and composer for [[Experimental Gamelan]] instruments.\\ [[Yuto Hasebe]]- Creator of deer calling, finalist in the 2018 [[Guthman Competition]](( (( \\ [[Dennis Havlena]]- Prolific DIY instrument builder known for his innovative and detailed guides to building cheap instruments, featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Tim Hawkinson]]- Sculptor who built the Überorgan, a large scale bagpipe like instrument. Featured on [[Oddmusic]]. \\ [[Maarten Helder]]- Recroder maker, worked with [[Susanne Fröhlich]] in designing the Helder Evo recorder. (( \\ [[Bill Napier-Hemy]]- Canadian string instrument maker who has made some very eccentric string instruments (( \\ [[Colin Hinz]]- mysterious instrument maker mentioned on [[Oddstruments]] and [[emi]] with little trace left online.\\ [[Jan Heinke]]- Inventor of the [[Stahlcello]] and member of the [[Stahlquartett]], inspired by [[Robert Rutman]]. Finalist in the 2018 [[Guthman Competition]].\\ [[Robin L. Hodgkinson]]- Maker of various ceramic flutes. (( \\ [[Derek Holzer]]- Modular synthesizer and interface builder. works under the name Macumbista. (( \\ [[Bart Hopkin]]- Prolific inventor of instruments mainly experimental [[Kalimbas]],essayist on experimental musical instruments, and publisher and editor of [[EMI]] magazine.\\ [[Sonambule|Max Hoton]]- along with [[Sonambule|Vincent Martial]] are the duo who make up the group [[sonambule]].\\ [[Steve Hubback]]- Experimental gong maker based in the Netherlands. (( (( \\ [[Margaret Watts Hughes]]- Arguably the first sound artist, she developed a method to turn the sound of her voice into visual artistic plates. (( (( ((\\ [[Zimoun|Simon Hügli]]- Known under the name [[Zimoun]], he is a sound installation artist who makes cacophonous drones out of many copies of self playing agitation instruments.\\ [[Carleen Hutchins]]- Experimental violin maker, Creator of the [[Hutchins Consort]], a violin octet, founder of the [[Catgut Acoustical Society]]. (( (( ((\\ [[Craig Huxley]]- Inventor of the Blaster Beam, [[Long-String Instrument]] that has been used for many science fiction film scores. \\ =====I ===== =====J ===== [[Tim Alex Jacobs]]- Modifies instruments to make them midi controlled, often allowing for very unique sound characteristics. Known under the handle Mitxela. (( (( (( ((proof of his identity\\ [[John Janson]]- Expermental Luthier. \\ [[Georges Jenny]]- Inventor of the Ondioline, one of the first electric instrument that used high frequency tube amplifiers to generate sound. (( (( ((\\ [[Steven Jobe]]- Makes instruments inspired by the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch he creates fantastical versions of medieval instruments.\\ [[Daniel Jodocy]]- Co-founder along with [[Kenny Wollesen]] of [[Wollesonic]], an instrument maker collective in New York. (( (( ((\\ [[Jenny Olivia Johnson]]- Composer who has built multiple sound art installations (( \\ [[Michael Johnsen]]-circuit bender and analog synth maker who is known for his very outsider philosophy to music, featured on [[oddstruments]].\\ [[Jon Jones]]- Builder and inventor of the wheel harp. ((\\ [[Spike Jones]]- Notable found objects musician used things pots & pans & duck calls in innovative ways.\\ [[Chuck Jonkey]]- Makes various experimental instruments, commonly works with rubber bands, and frequently makes world instruments. (( \\ [[Liburn Jupolli]]- Microtonal musical instrument maker \\ [[Stanley Jungleib]]- Writer and philosopher about the need to remove hardware and software requirements for electronic instruments, calling for music to be able to be made on many devices we use today.\\ [[Frédéric Le Junter]]- \\ =====K ===== [[Christopher Kaczmarek]]- Sound artist who make large groupings of self playing sound sculptures. (( (( \\ [[Ned Kahn]]- Sculptor who makes interactive sculptures that are often instruments or that have sound components.\\ [[Tim Kaiser]]- Electroacoustic, cicuit bending, and noise experimental instrument maker. (( (( \\ [[Chris Kallmyer]]- Los Angeles sound artist who makes large sculptures and installations that are played by multiple people.\\ [[Georges Frédéric Eugène Kastner]]- Inventor of the [[pyrophone]]\\ [[Tom Kaufmann]]- Maker of musical instrument public art sculptures sold under the [[Tom Kaufmann|Tinkertune]] name.\\ [[Palmer Keen]]- Ethnomusicologist working out of Indonesia \\ [[Sung Kim]]- Experimental Luthier who makes a large variety of strange and complex string instruments. \\ [[Buzz Kimball]]- Maker of [[3rd Bridge]] guitars, featured on [[Oddmusic]]. He is a contribute to [[EMI]] magazine and an early maker of [[Xenharmonic]] music. \\ [[Walter Kitundu]]- Inventor of a number of expanded record players called [[Phonoharps]]\\ [[David Klavins]]- Maker of experimental and expanded function pianos known for the M450 and the Una Corda \\ [[Tom Koch]]- Known online as Univac and TechDWeeb, constructs [[Self Playing Instrument|Self Playing Instruments]] that are chaotic (( (( (( \\ [[Vadim Kondakov]]- sound sculpture maker who makes performative sound sculpture installations. (( (( \\ [[Amir Sadeghi Konjani]]- inventor of the kraken harp and kraken piano (( ((\\ [[Ron Konzak]]- Inventor of the [[Puget Sound Wind Harp]]. \\ [[Hans van Koolwijk]]- Sound sculptor and instrument builder for the [[Schreck Ensemble]]. (( (( (( \\ [[John Kovac]]- PVC musical instrument maker who runs the whacky [[East Coast PVC Band]].\\ [[Mikhail Kovalchuk]]- Violin maker who experiments with a great deal of unusual and found materials (( \\ [[Gregory Kozak]]- Instrument builder for the ensemble [[Scrap Arts Music]]. Featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Mattias Krantz]]- Modifies instruments where he experiments with absurd ideas to hear what it will sound like (( \\ [[Aaron Taylor Kuffner]]- Artist behind the [[Aaron Taylor Kuffner|Gamelatron]]. (( (( (( (( \\ =====L ===== [[Ela Lamblin]]- Maker of innovative sculptural musical instruments that are activated by dance. Featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Yuri Landman]]- Experimental guitar maker and innovator known for the [[moodswinger]]. Featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Philipp Läng]]- Builds various sound experiment objects, known for his percussion instruments (( \\ [[Graeme Leak]]- Junk instrument maker and maker for Junkestra (( \\ [[Yann Leguay]]- (( (( (( \\ [[Jared De Leon]]- Developer of the new subcontrabass clarinet and maker of other unusual clarinet innovations. (( \\ [[Cheryl Leonard]]- Sculptural instrument builder who works with natural materials such as animal bones leaves and wood. In the [[Euphotic]] ensemble along with [[Bryan Day]]. \\ [[Eric Leonardson]]- Makes instruments from large coiled springs, featured on [[oddstruments]], teaches musical instrument construction. \\ [[Hakan Lidbo]]- Eccentric Swedish electronic instrument maker who makes instrument sculptures. \\ [[Viktor Lois]]- Instrument inventor and builder for the experimental music ensemble [[Tundravoice]]. \\ [[Ken Lovelett]]- Makes experimental drums \\ [[Xavi Lozano]]- maker of comical instruments, part of a group called [[Atrapasons]].\\ [[Alvin Lucier]]- \\ [[Nicklas Lundberg]]- experimental musician who makes amplified noise instruments and contraptions (( (( \\ [[Francisco Lupica]]- Spiritual musician and creator of the Cosmic Beam. \\ [[René Lussier]]- \\ =====M ===== [[Thierry Madiot]]- Creates instruments that generate 'sound massages'. \\ [[Simon The Magpie]]- [[Tinkerer]] who experimentally alters existing instruments. \\ [[Alexis Malbert]]- Known under the name [[Tapetronic]]. He makes sound reproduction instruments which manipulate existing media and present new sound outcomes. (( (( \\ [[Steve Mann]]- Physicist who experiments with hydraulophones, innovating and inventing nearly 100 of them. (( (( (( \\ [[Linda Manzer]]- Experimental guitar builder. Known for making the Picasso Guitar. Featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Maurice Martenot]]- Inventor of the [[Ondes Martenot]].\\ [[Sonambule|Vincent Martial]]- along with [[Sonambule|Max Hoton]] make up the group called [[Sonambule]].\\ [[Léo Maurel]]- experimental hurdy gurdy maker with a number of unique variations on the instrument. \\ [[Henry Charles Marx]]- Inventor of many instruments including the Marxophone and the Marxolin. (( (( (( \\ [[Reinhold Marxhausen]]- Artist who made various unique sound sculptures out of found objects.\\ [[Houshun Masuda]]- Bird Flageolet and ultra high pitched recorder maker. (( ((hear his instruments on Kôske Nozaki's youtube channel \\ [[Emma-Kate Matthews]]- Acoustic architect making building sized instruments.\\ [[Graeme McCormack]]- Hurdy Gurdy maker who converts other instruments into hurdy gurdies (( (( (( (( \\ [[Lee Mc Donald]]- Sound sculptor who makes electromecahnial instruments out of found objects, reminiscent of [[Petr Valek|The VAPE]].\\ [[Will Menter]]- Sound sculptor who builds instruments out of natural materials that highlight the sounds of those materials interacting.\\ [[Bill Milbrodt]]- Founder of the [[Car Music Project]], featured on [[oddmusic]].\\ [[Jordi Rubi Mo]]- London based instrument maker who makes combination string instruments (( (( (( \\ [[Martin Molin]] Along with Marcus Sjöberg are members of the band [[Martin Molin|Wintergaten]].\\ [[Ernesto Molinari]]- Inventor of the CLEX, a electro-mechanical contrabass clarinet. (( \\ [[Bob Moog]]- of [[Sound Synthesizers|Moog Keyboard]] fame.\\ [[Moondog]]- Famous idiosyncratic, eccentric, and autodidactic musician and instrument maker from New York.\\ [[morford brothers|Adam & Austin Morford]]- Colorodo based metal workers who run Morfbeats, a percussion company. (( (( ((interview (( \\ [[Céleste Boursier-Mougenot]]- French sound artist (( \\ [[Ujino Muneteru]]- Japanese sound sculptor who makes transformative electromechanical instrument installations. \\ [[David Murphy]]- Maker of sculptural art instruments, featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Dennis Murphy]]- Builder of homemade [[Experimental Gamelan]] instruments, credited with being the first in the united states.\\ =====N ===== [[Gasper Nali]]- Maker of experimental Babatoni, 3 meter long single string bass instruments he uses as drones for his singing.\\ [[Jerónimo Naranjo]]- Mexican composer and giant instrument builder. \\ [[Terumi Narushima]]- Also involved in the [[Anaporia]] project.\\ [[Michael Natale]]- Creator of the [[Gametones]] which is an [[Experimental Gamelan]] ensemble that was featured on [[Oddmusic]]. \\ [[Simonas Nekrošius]]- Sound sculptor who makes interactive musical instruments that function as sculptures. Known for his Chair for Quarantine. \\ [[Bret Newton]]- Band theorist and multi instrumentalist, who is developing the great bassoon, as well as other instrument innovation projects. (( \\ [[Hao Ni]]- Also goes by Hao Hao, is a sound sculptor who makes cacophonous instrumental sculptures. \\ [[Sarah Nicolls]]- Builder of the Future Piano and the Inside Out Piano, she is interested in expanding the piano. (( (( \\ [[Tommi Nieminen]]- Builder of the [[Device Orchestra]], an electronic ensemble using the stepper motors on various consumer electronics. (( (( \\ [[Koka Nikoladze]]- [[electromechanical]] instrument maker, works wit found objects, and makes audiovisual compositions. ((\\ [[Matt Noland]]- Instrument maker who carries on the tradition of making percussion instruments that are otherwise extinct and extends ranges on existing percussion. (( (( \\ [[Erik Nugent]]- Inventor of a mouthpiece called the numouthpiece that mimics the mouthpiece of a didgeridoo and can be attached to various musical instruments such as saxophone, trombone, and euphonium. Also invnted the nu a chromatic didgeridoo. (( (( (( \\ [[Tom Nunn]]- A powerhouse inventor of the [[Crustacean]] a waterphone like instrument, Skatchboxes that are combed plus many more. (( ((\\ =====O ===== [[Colin Offord]]- Australian maker who makes string instruments out of natural materials such as palm fonds and uses the in experiential performances (( (( ((\\ [[Takumi Ogata]]- Electronic musical instrument maker ((, (( \\ [[Massimo Olla]]- electroacoustic string interument maker (( (( \\ [[Tim Olsen]]- Makes fanciful "Un-Invented" instruments with broken down elements, featured in [[EMI]] magazine. \\ [[Yuichi Onoue]]- Creator of the [[Kaisatsuko]] a kind of hurdy-gurdy-shamisen hybrid instrument, featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Daphne Oram]]- Early pioneer of [[Musique Concrète]] and inventor of the [[Oramics]] technique\\ [[Mauri Orveli]]- Makes 3D printed musical instruments with unusual construction. (( (( (( (( \\ =====P ===== [[Nam June Paik]]- \\ [[Sonia Paço-Rocchia]]- Makes sound installations using large metal electromechanical instruments. \\ [[Xavier Lozano Palay]]- Builder of easy to make wind instruments, often makes flutes out of unexpected things. \\ [[Tuni Panea]]- (( \\ [[Steve Parker]]- Sound sculptor and finalist in the 2021 [[Guthman Competition]] (( (( \\ [[Javi Botanz Parra]]- Experimental instrument maker in Spain that makes experimental mallet and array percussion instruments (( (( (( \\ [[Michael Parson]]- Co-founder of the [[Scratch Orchestra]] along with [[Howard Skempton]] and [[Cornelius Cardew]].\\ [[Harry Partch]]- Founder and maker of the instruments in the [[Partch Ensemble]] and innovator of [[microtonal music]]\\ [[John Pascuzzi]]- Founder of [[oddmusic]], an early experimental musical instrument website. \\ [[Albin Paulus]]- Builder of the Wobblephone, he makes various bagpipe inspired instruments. \\ [[Jack Pavlik]]- A Minneapolis sound sculptor who is known for using long ribbons of metal to make metallic pitch bends and wobbles. \\ [[Petr Pavlinec]]- Instrument maker who makes variations on the cimbalom, known for working with ceramic tile as a musical medium. \\ [[André Pereira]]- Brazillian instrument maker working with household materials and trash, instrument maker for [[Oficina do Dedéco]] (( (( (( \\ [[Tristan Perich]]- Composer and sculptor, creator of the [[1bit symphony|1-Bit Symphony]].\\ [[Massimo Pintus]]- Gong maker who works with various forms of sound healing and spiritualism. (( (( (( \\ [[Eric Pitra]]- Electronic musical instrument maker, Finalist in the 2021 [[Guthman Competition]] (( \\ [[Tony Pizzo]]- Musical instrument writer who writes about experimental musical instruments. Featured in EMI.\\ [[Linsey Pollak]]- Maker of experimental woodwinds, known for his vegetable orchestra.\\ [[Isaac Pond]]- Inventor of the Jarbowocky, a experimental water drum. \\ [[Ed Potokar]]- inventor of the Contriverb, participant in multiple [[Guthman Competition|Guthman Competitions]]. \\ [[Edward Powell]]- Builds string instruments for playing Indian style music. Many of his instruments make attempts to expand the possibilities of Indian music. \\ [[Hervé Prudent]]- Experimental luthier who has made instruments on commission for multiple experimental musicians. \\ [[Gabriele Puddinu]]- Electroacoustic instrument maker who makes small noise maker instruments (( ((\\ [[Artūrs Punte]]- Sound sculptor who collaborates with [[Jēkabs Voļatovskis]] to make evocative sound objects that relay the human voice. (( (( \\ =====Q ===== =====R ===== [[Godfried-Willem Raes]]- Instrument builder and founder of the [[Logos Foundation]] (( \\ [[Hal Rammel]]- Maker of experimental versions of the Nail Violin. Featured on [[Oddmusic]]. \\ [[Lucky Dragons|Sarah Rara]]- Collaborates with [[Lucky Dragons|Luke Fischbeck]] on the project [[Lucky Dragons]].\\ [[Joe Rauen]]- Makes music instrument Assemblages.\\ [[Robert Rauschenberg]]- (( (( (( \\ [[Susan Rawcliffe]]- Precolombian flute researcher and experimental flute maker, known for her unusual fipple flutes and ocarinas\\ [[Bradford Reed]]- creator of the Pencillina, featured on [[Oddstruments]], featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Hans Reichel]]- Innovator on guitar and inventor of the [[Daxophone]], featured on [[Oddmusic]], contributor to [[EMI]] Magazine.\\ [[Fron Reilly]]-Canadian luthier that makes experimental bowed string instruments.* (( (( (( \\ [[Penny Reiswig]]- Early internet woodwind maker who relased many DIY diagrams for wind instrument making (( (( (( ((there is so little left online using Penny's former name Eric Reiswig \\ [[Pedro Reyes]]- Sound Sculptor (( \\ [[Harold Burroughs Rhodes]]- Inventor of the [[Rhodes piano]] (Fender Rhodes)\\ [[Angel Sampedro del Río]]- Maker of various wind instruments out of bamboo, featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Jassie Rios]]- Inventor of [[Jassie Rios|GramFX]], an augmented gramophone, Finalist in the 2018 [[Guthman Competition]]\\ [[Sara Roberts]]- Famous for her [[Earbees]].\\ [[Steve Roden]]- Early proponent and founder of [[lowercase]] music. Known for using quiet found materials like paper.\\ [[PANArt|Felix Rohner]] and [[PANArt|Sabina Schärer]]- founders of [[PANArt]] which made the [[PANArt|Hang Drum]]. Featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Paweł Romańczuk]]- Experimental instrument maker mostly working in metal, little information about him is online. Instrument maker for [[Małe Instrumenty]] (( (( (( \\ [[Jon Rose]]- Artist and improvisor, creator of the [[Relative Violins]], which are conceptual violin sculpture instruments, featured on [[Oddmusic]]. \\ [[Ann Rosén]]- Synthesizer sculpture maker who makes electronic instruments focused on the form of interaction and interface with the human body. (( \\ [[Rob Mullender-Ross]]- Sound sculptor and researcher who works with the ways sound interacts with the human body, architecture and light. (( (( \\ [[Paul Rubenstein]]- Experimental instrument maker and educator. \\ [[Martí Ruiz]]- Experimental tuning for maker. ((\\ [[Wojciech Rusin]]- Sound artist and experimental instrument maker who works with 3D printing to make various wind instruments. (( (( (( (( \\ [[Luigi Russolo]]- Italian futurist painter and instrument maker from the early 1900s known for the [[Intonarumori]]\\ [[Robert Rutman]]- Inventor of the [[Styrophone]], [[Steel Cello]], and [[Bow Chimes]] which were the precursors to the [[stahlcello]] used in the [[Stahlquartett]]\\ [[Benton Roark]]- Microtonal music composer and instrument maker. (( (( \\ [[Fernando Rodríguez]]- Experimental percussion maker (( \\ [[Sharon Rowell]]- Inventor of the [[Ocarina|Huaca]], a multichamber ocarina, featured on [[Oddmusic]], contributor to [[EMI]] Magazine.\\ [[Eric Royer]]- Experimental luthier who builds instruments to further along his goal of being a one man bluegrass band, featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ =====S ===== [[Fabrizio Di Salvo]]- Sound sculptor (( \\ [[Jason Sidney Sanford]]- (( (( \\ [[Joseph Sanger]]- Builder of multiple unusual instruments (( (( \\ [[Michele Sangineto]]- Maker of re-imagined medieval instruments, maker for [[Ensemble Sangineto]] (( (( \\ [[Ian Saxton]]- Experimental musician and collaborator with [[Bart Hopkin]] on the Saxton Savart. (( \\ [[Pierre Schaeffer]]- Inventor of tape recording manipulation known as [[Musique Concrète]]\\ [[PANArt|Sabina Schärer]]- Along with [[PANArt|Felix Rohner]] founded [[PANArt]] which made the [[PANArt|Hang Drum]]. Featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Stefan Scherbik]]- Instrument maker who makes unusual copies of existing instrument types (( (( (( \\ [[Christof Schläger]]- Builder of two experimental orchestras the [[Aural Shape]] Orchestra and the [[Urban Horns]] Orchestra. \\ [[John Schneider]]- Founder, builder, and musical director of Partch, a [[Partch Ensemble]] \\ [[Pinuccio Sciola]]- maker of cut stone instrument sculptures which make haunting sounds when rubbed.\\ [[Daniel Schmidt]]- [[Experimental Gamelan]] maker from Mills College. \\ [[Raymond Scott]]- Inventor of early electronic instruments.\\ [[Steve Scott]]- Instrument maker who makes autonomous instruments that are played by natural phenomenon such as the wind or moving water. (( (( \\ [[Görkem Şen]]- Inventor of the [[Yaybahar]]. \\ [[João Fernando Arrais Serodio]]- Prolific Brazilian instrument maker who often makes instruments similar to the ones used by the group [[Uakti]]\\ [[William A. Sethares]]- Acoustic researcher, Inventor of the [[Hyperpiano]] and frequent contributor to [[EMI]] Magazine. (( ((\\ [[Curtis Settino]]- featured on [[oddmusic]], an [[Experimental Gamelan]] adjacent experimental percussion instrument maker. \\ [[Uday Shankar]]- Inventor of the [[Chitravenu]] a slide flute combined with a zither intended to be played in the expanded classical Indian style. \\ [[Peter Sheridan]]- Australian flute maker who makes super low flutes, made the first Hyperbass Flute. (( \\ [[Gustavo Silveira]]- Makes microtonal instruments that copy the interface of string instruments but use electromagnetic ribbons, finalist in the 2018 [[Guthman Competition]]. (( ((\\ [[Mike Silverman]]- also known as That 1 Guy, is a [[One Man Band]] instrument maker.\\ [[Ricardo Simian]]- Instrument maker who 3D prints recreations of historic instruments.(( (( ((\\ [[Subhraag Singh]]- inventor of the [[Infinitone]], part of the 2017 [[Guthman Competition]].\\ [[Howard Skempton]]- Co-founder of the [[Scratch Orchestra]] along with [[Cornelius Cardew]] and [[Michael Parson]].\\ [[Walter Smetak]]- Explorer in small sound instruments, inventor of a number of unusual instruments \\ [[Quentin Smirhes]]- Youtube performance artist who frequently builds instrument sculptures for his performances (( \\ [[George Smits]]- \\ [[Leonard Solomon]]- of [[Bellowphone]] fame, made the [[Oomphalapompatronium]].\\ [[Kajii Sou]]- Japanese instrument maker based in Nagoya, maker for Mirai Musical Instruments, uses junk to make music instruments. (( (( (( (( \\ [[Iner Souster]]- inventor of the [[Bowafridgeaphone]] and several other instruments. Featured on [[Oddmusic]]. \\ [[Michele Spanghero]]- Sound sculptor who makes sculptures that symbolically represent the human body. \\ [[Mo Spann]]- known as Professor Sperrmüller, he build instruments out of garbage and shows them under the pretense of the amazing things one can do with recycling. (( (( \\ [[Leland W. Sprinkle]]- Creator of the Great Stalacpipe Organ, featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[STEIM]]- (Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music)\\ [[Matthew Steinke]]- Artist and musician who builds [[electromechanical]] instruments, inventor of the [[Stepper Rattle]]\\ [[Robb Stewart]]- Recreates historic brass as well as experimental brass instruments that extend the ranges of instrument families. (( (( \\ [[Diego Stocco]]- \\ [[Cassiopeia Sturm]]- \\ [[Morton Subotnick]] - early synthesizer pioneer.\\ [[Akio Suzuki]]- Environmental sound, noise and found object instrument maker.((\\ =====T===== [[André Taques]]- Brazilian instrument maker who works with found and household materials, finalist in the 2021 [[Guthman Competition]] (( (( \\ [[Lucy-Anne Taylor]]- Organologist, Music Archaeologist, (Ethnomusicologist?) who focuses on studying and recreating Anglo-Saxon musical instruments (( (( (( \\ [[Stephen James Taylor]]*- Possibly the instrument maker for Deep Space (( (( (( \\ [[Glissonic|Tóbias Terebessy]] along with [[Glissonic|Dániel Váczi]] founded the [[Glissonic]] instrument company. \\ [[Martin Tétreault]]- \\ [[Sudhu Tewari]]- A Berkeley based sound artist who makes wind powered sound gardens. (( (( (( (( ((\\ [[Léon Theremin]]- Inventor of the [[theremin]] and [[Rhythmicon]]\\ [[Michael Thiele]]- Inventor of the wooden tongue drum. (( (( \\ [[Jean Tinguely]]- Sculptor who built many kinetic artworks including some kinetic sound sculptures (( (( \\ [[Élektrik Toboggan]]- \\ [[David Toop]]- Composer, curator, musical instruments inventor, journalist and writer, works mostly with found materials that are amplified (( (( \\ [[Guillaume Toutain]]- Inventor of the Keytan, a melodic drum.\\ [[Thomas Truax]]- Experimental musician and acoustic instrument builder who uniquely exists in the pop music world (( ((\\ =====U ===== [[Halldor Ulfarsson]]- Maker of the Halldorophone a cello like electroacoustic instrument intended to bridge the gap between electronic and acoustic instruments. (( (( (( \\ [[Sam Underwood]]- Finalist in the 2021 [[Guthman Competition]] (( (( (( (( \\ [[N. U. Unruh]]- Instrument maker for the band [[Einstürzende Neubauten]].\\ =====V ===== [[Glissonic|Dániel Váczi]] along with [[Glissonic|Tóbias Terebessy]] founded the [[Glissonic]] instrument company. \\ [[Petr Válek]]- Noise composer who uses [[Found Objects]] works under the title [[Petr Válek|The VAPE]] \\ [[Max Vandervorst]]- Builds instruments out of recycled materials, especially plastic bottles. His ensemble is a [[Trash Orchestra]]. \\ [[Hernan Vargas]]- Experimental instrument maker in Oaxaca, Mexico who makes ceramic instruments. Instrument maker for [[Suena Barro]]. (( (( (( (( \\ [[Anna Vasof]]- Intermedia artist whos work frequently features sound sculptures. (( (( ((\\ [[Leonel Vásquez]]- sound sculptor working in Colombia that makes instruments that acoustically amplify sounds of natural surfaces. (( (( \\ [[Tom Verbruggen]]- Known under the name Toktek, electronic instrument sculpture maker. (( (( \\ [[Fernando Vigueras]]- Makes experimental sound installations\\ [[Reigo Vilbiks]]- Sound healing instrument maker who makes elaborate string instruments under the name viamupill. (( (( (( \\ [[Peter Vogel]]- \\ =====W ===== [[Ei Wada]]- Japanese musician who makes instruments out of repurposed bar code scanners, televisions, and appliances. \\ [[Michel Waisvisz]]- Former director of [[STEIM]] and builder of electronic instruments and electronic controllers that have unusual ways of being interacted with. \\ [[Bendicht Walthert]]- Artist who makes sound based artworks that often involve surreal and magical realist objects. (( (( (( \\ [[Dennis Waring]]- Author of many how to instrument making books which often have unique instruments. \\ [[Richard Waters]]- Inventor of the [[Waterphone]], featured on [[Oddmusic]]\\ [[Aaron Wendel]]- Builder of the [[Bubble Organ]], featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Bill Wesley]]- Inventor of the [[Array Nail Organ]] and the [[Array Mbira]]\\ [[Glenn Weyant]]- Found object sound artist who makes complex noise using a plethora of found materials. Featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Simon Whetham]]- Sound sculptor who makes small quite autonomous electric instruments out of parts of sound recorders and tape players. (( \\ [[Peter Whitehead]]- Instrument builder that uses found materials. \\ [[Georg Wiesmann]]- Instrument maker who makes tube based percussion instruments. \\ [[Gregory J. Wildes]]- Instrument maker for the [[Gas Tank Orchestra]]. Featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Ervin Wilson]]- builder of microtonal keyboards and aided in repairing and diagramming the [[Partch ensemble]].\\ [[Nicolas Wolf]]- Swiss audiovisual artist who makes simple instruments from found objects and environmental interactions (( (( (( \\ [[Kenny Wollesen]]- Co-founder along with [[Daniel Jodocy]] of [[Wollesonic]], an instrument maker collective in New York. (( (( ((\\ [[Stan Wood]]- Inventor of the Vibraband. Collaborator to [[Ken Butler]]. \\ [[George Philip Wright]]- Builder of voice altering electronic instruments.\\ =====X ===== [[Iannis Xenakis]]- Creator of multiple unique percussion instruments including the [[Sixxen]]\\ =====Y ===== [[Makoto Yabuki]]- Instrument builder for the [[Bamboo Orchestra]] made up of [[Harry Partch|Boo]] like instruments called "Také Marimba". (( \\ [[Justice Yeldham]]- Australian free jazz musician who plays on an amplified [[Glass Shard]]\\ [[Gayle Young]]- \\ =====Z ===== [[Ernst Zacharias]]- Inventor of many [[Hohner Instruments]], the including the Cembalet, the Clavinet, the Guitaret, the Pianet, the Claviola and the Harmonetta.(( \\ [[Paweł Zadrożniak]]- Maker of the Floppotron (( (( \\ [[Isaac Zal]]- Inventor of the Harmonic Generator, Featured on [[Oddmusic]].\\ [[Bruno Zamborlin]]- Augmented reality electronic instrument builder known for making [[Bruno Zamborlin|HyperSurfaces]]. \\ [[Frank Zappa]]- Musical bike\\ [[Tom Zé]]- Known for his use of Dada and music concrete techniques as well as his involvement in the Tropicália movement in Brazil. (( (( (( \\