The idea of making an organ out of paper is an unusual one, the pipe organ itself is an impressive piece of technology, one with masses of moving parts and generally requires very fine adjustment and tuning to function at all. Creating a functioning miniature paper craft version is interesting because it is an art form where precision is difficult especially in the sense of material behavior, paper can easily warp and give to even minor pressure. Paper is also acoustically a fairly absorbent and it tends not to reverberate well. Perhaps due to the technical difficulties and degree of coolness the idea has come up at least three times with three somewhat different but very impressive results. \\ Wolfram Kampffmeyer \\ \\\\ \\ Aliaksei Zholner\\\\ \\ Original post in Russian\\\\ {{youtube>6cD1NPvRNLQ}}\\ \\ Aliaksei has also built a functioning reed organ \\ \\ Original post in Russian\\\\\\ {{youtube>bbRgH6C5Tkc}}\\