Created by Andy Thurlow the Anarchestra is a set of over 200 autodidactic instruments. The instruments are set up as an interactive art installation allowing play by the public focusing on allowing unskilled people to play the instruments. The majority of the instruments are tuned to A minor, allowing a key that has few dissonant notes.

Here is the Anarchestra blog which contains a wealth of photographs of the instruments.

The music played on the instruments of the ensemble is available here.

The Anarchestra youtube channel-

Another Anarchestra youtube channel with videos demonstrating each of the ensembles many instruments.

Here is a youtube video showing Andy Thurlow some of his instruments and featuring a short interview.

Here is an unusual and much longer and in depth documentary.

The ending of this documentary features a quote by Andy Thurlow that gets at some of the core philosophy and approach to making of the Anarchestra.-
“When I hear drum machines and synthesizers, the images that come to mind are of patients in intensive care units attached by tubes to devises that regulate their heartbeats, force oxygen into their lungs, add nutrients to their blood, and 'manage' their pain. To me these represent the most joyless aspects of modern living, analogous to the out habitats have evolved into sprawls of pavement constructed with the goal of making life better for our cars than for our children.”

anarchestra.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/25 08:55 by mete
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