Bash the Trash is an educational music ensemble which uses homemade instruments made out of found objects and 'trash' by members of the ensemble. The group was co-founded by John Bertles who is an instrument maker and educator. The primary function of the ensemble is children's education surrounding sound making principles, instrument making, music, repurposing and environmentalism. The ensemble is often shifting between new players and the instruments featured. The ensemble is structured around the use of educational workshops where instruments are made and played. There is a heightened focus on simplicity and ease of construction with the instruments made and used by Bash the Trash.

Here is an excellent example of the instruments made and variety of music played by The Junksters, which is a travelling ensemble which is made of the instructors of Bash the Trash.

Bash the Trash Workshops
The Junksters

Official Youtube channel 1)
Official Website 2)
List of workshops featured on John Bertles website 3)

Bash the Trash is an unusual group to feature on this wiki because though playful the ensemble does not have a direct goal of making idiosyncratic instruments. The goal of the ensemble is often to work with available materials as best it can and places itself in a position of emulating more traditional musical ensembles. Often the results are quite unique in quality of the timbre of each instrument.

At the time of writing the groups co-director John Bertles is doing a lecture series on the history of homemade instrument bands. 4)

The link to the instrument maker John Bertles leads to this page, as his work is related to the Bash the Trash ensemble.

bash_the_trash.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/04/02 11:44 by mete
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