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car_culture [2024/09/06 07:40] metecar_culture [2024/09/12 07:12] (current) mete
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 {{topic>car_culture }} \\  {{topic>car_culture }} \\ 
 [[ucla summer|Competitive Edge Program Research Topics]] \\  [[ucla summer|Competitive Edge Program Research Topics]] \\ 
-sound of horses in cars, mustang \\ +===RESEARCH NOTES=== 
 +sound of horses in cars, for example horse power and the mustang, elements of elegance in design being compared to racehorses \\  
 +who designed vs 'we designed' \\ 
 +what are the names lost to history, specific labor and people in the design process. Do the people who design electric car sounds have names? \\  
 +inceptions points vs points of incursion. There are lots of incursive elements of car design between the car owners and the car designers.  
 +think more about political and economic perspectives \\ 
 +How do these things relate to race and class? \\ 
 +How does car sound relate to larger topics of urban sound like the sounds of planes, maintenance (lawn mowers air blowers), and construction?  
 +what about sounds of war?\\ 
 +Explain more about the idea of a cocoon and how independence relate to sound\\ 
 +object travelling across space, like a spaceship \\  
 +Fahrvergnügen-- pleasure of driving, as popularized from Volkswagen ads from the 1960s ((https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Fahrvergn%C3%BCgen))\\  
 +how do car commercials play into all of this? watch some of them? \\  
 +Add more quoted text into the literature review \\  
 +Be more specific of the time period, is it 1920- today? \\  
 +A more clean chronology will help \\  
 +Use "this" less across all texts \\  
 +What questions are you asking of your data? \\ 
 +Look for parallel phenomena, urban Ethnomusicology \\  
 Cars are a musical instrument. We see this displayed in many ways, from the use of their sound in media, their importance in construction of private space and identity, as a sonic experience the defined modernity, the ways in which they are commodified, 'tuned', and designed to pair with an image of their users much like how the calls of songbirds match the species.  Cars are a musical instrument. We see this displayed in many ways, from the use of their sound in media, their importance in construction of private space and identity, as a sonic experience the defined modernity, the ways in which they are commodified, 'tuned', and designed to pair with an image of their users much like how the calls of songbirds match the species. 
car_culture.1725608429.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/06 07:40 by mete
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