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classification_table [2022/11/30 09:16] – [2 Density] meteclassification_table [2024/01/24 01:41] (current) – [NOTES] mete
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 Any material that is mounted on both ends while the material is also forced under tension between those two ends. Notable in that the two ends of the object are unable to freely vibrate while the center can.  Any material that is mounted on both ends while the material is also forced under tension between those two ends. Notable in that the two ends of the object are unable to freely vibrate while the center can. 
-===2.1 Non Elastic strings===+===2.1 Non Elastic Strings===
 Much like the metal string used for most orchestral string instruments. Though nylon and cat gut strings are somewhat elastic they should not be considered elastic as they are tuned to set pitches in such a manner elasticity is minimized and not a feature of the way they generate sound.  Much like the metal string used for most orchestral string instruments. Though nylon and cat gut strings are somewhat elastic they should not be considered elastic as they are tuned to set pitches in such a manner elasticity is minimized and not a feature of the way they generate sound. 
-==2.1.1 Circular strings==+==2.1.1 Circular Strings==
 Again the most common form of strings includes any string where transverse and lateral vibration are the same.  Again the most common form of strings includes any string where transverse and lateral vibration are the same. 
-==2.1.2 Ribbon strings==+==2.1.2 Ribbon Strings==
 Like those used on the Morin Khuur, all string that have a distinct width to height difference. These are any strings where transverse and lateral vibration are different.  Like those used on the Morin Khuur, all string that have a distinct width to height difference. These are any strings where transverse and lateral vibration are different. 
 ==2.1.3 Nonlinear strings== ==2.1.3 Nonlinear strings==
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 ===4.3 Crushed Reed=== ===4.3 Crushed Reed===
-When the two sides of the reed are smashed together leading to a muted sound quality due to the ends being dampened. Characteristic of reed instruments such as the Duduk and Hichiriki.+When the two sides of the reed are smashed together leading to a muted sound quality due to the ends being dampened. Characteristic of reed instruments such as the Aulos, Duduk and Hichiriki.
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 ====3 Size==== ====3 Size====
-Such things as gongs and bar percussion increase size of bars because multiple variables such as length, depth, and width all increase in tandem. +Such things as gongs and bar percussion increase size of bars and multiple variables such as length, depth, and width all increase in tandem. 
 ====4 Length==== ====4 Length====
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 ====1 Sympathetic Vibrations==== ====1 Sympathetic Vibrations====
-These are pitch specific objects that react to pitches produced by themselves vibrating at the same frequency or a relative harmonic of it. Only to be included when they are in physical contact with the sound generating object. +These are pitch specific objects that react to pitches produced by themselves vibrating at the same frequency or a relative harmonic of it. Only to be included when they are in physical contact with the sound generating object. If not attached to another object the sound generating force should be considered A1.5- Wind and Liquid Based Vibrations and the sound that generates the force of air vibrations should be considered a separate instance of sound generation
 ===1.1 Sympathetic Strings=== ===1.1 Sympathetic Strings===
 Tuned strings that vibrate along with the main generated vibrations when the two pitches coincide.  Tuned strings that vibrate along with the main generated vibrations when the two pitches coincide. 
-===1.2 Sympathetic Lamell===  +===1.2 Sympathetic Lamella===  
-Tuned lamell tongues that vibrate along with the main generated vibrations when the two pitches coincide. +Tuned lamella tongues that vibrate along with the main generated vibrations when the two pitches coincide. 
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 ====2 Buzzing elements==== ====2 Buzzing elements====
-objects that are attached in such a way that the action of a vibrating mass is of a different frequency to their own vibration causing them to repeatedly tap against it. Requires some kind of physical contact to operate. This is a form of forced vibration rather than sympathetic vibration. +Objects that are attached in such a way that the action of a vibrating mass is of a different frequency to their own vibration causing them to repeatedly tap against it. Requires some kind of physical contact to operate. This is a form of forced vibration rather than sympathetic vibration. 
 ===2.1 Buzzing Bridge=== ===2.1 Buzzing Bridge===
-string bridge that utilizes the string tension to stand with high tension on one side and very low tension on the other, causing one foot of the bridge to buzz as the vibrations of the strings (vibrating the bridge) do not match the vibration of the resonator of the instrument causing the foot to chatter. +String bridge that utilizes the string tension to stand with high tension on one side and very low tension on the other, causing one foot of the bridge to buzz as the vibrations of the strings (vibrating the bridge) do not match the vibration of the resonator of the instrument causing the foot to chatter.  
 ===2.2 Jivari=== ===2.2 Jivari===
-Selective sculpting of contact points on strings and lamells that activates various harmonics due to the forced interaction of the two surfaces. +Selective sculpting of contact points on strings and lamellas that activates various harmonics due to the forced interaction of the two surfaces.  
 +===2.3 Rattle Tines (Buzzing Lamella) === 
 +Small rigid tongues that are attached in such a way that the action of a vibrating mass is of a different frequency to their own vibration causing them to repeatedly tap against themselves or any other free masses
-===2.3 Rattle Tines (Buzzing Lamell) === 
-Small rigid tongues that are attached in such a way that the action of a vibrating mass is of a different frequency to their own vibration causing them to repeatedly tap against themselves or any free masses.  
 ===2.4 Wire Tine=== ===2.4 Wire Tine===
-A length of wire that is bent back against itself as to make tension against the vibrating mounting surface and because of its own vibration being delayed buzzes against that surface.+A length of wire that is bent back against itself as to make tension against the vibrating mounting surface and because of its own vibration being delayed buzzes against that surface Similar to the Buzzing Bridge but is separate to the sound generating object in such a manner that it is indirectly attached.
 ===2.5 Mirliton (Buzzing Membrane) === ===2.5 Mirliton (Buzzing Membrane) ===
-Attached membrane that freely vibrates against itself when excited by existing standing waves, typically activated by air pressure changes in a chamber or tube+Attached membrane that freely vibrates against itself when excited by existing standing waves, typically activated by air pressure changes in a chamber or tube.
 ====3 Turbulence ==== ====3 Turbulence ====
-Inconsistent pressure waves that interfere with the consistent oscillation of sound producing waves. Modifies the timbre of wind instruments and instruments that rely on vortex shredding.   +Inconsistent pressure waves that interfere with the consistent oscillation of sound producing waves. Modifies the timbre of wind instruments and instruments that rely on vortex shredding. Also present inside of chambers when air streams are forced to cross over one another. In need of expansion. 
 ====4 Muting (Damping)==== ====4 Muting (Damping)====
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 ===5.1 Overtones=== ===5.1 Overtones===
-Such as the action of playing an overtone by gently touching a string+Such as the action of playing an overtone by gently touching a string to divide it into a harmonic division. 
 ===5.2 Undertones=== ===5.2 Undertones===
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 ====6 Changing Parameters==== ====6 Changing Parameters====
 +In need of revision, this section if for when an sound is effected by the use of motion or proximity to another object. 
 ===6.1 Movement=== ===6.1 Movement===
 ===6.2 Proximity=== ===6.2 Proximity===
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 Do these actions count as modifiers or parts of the primary sound generating process?  Do these actions count as modifiers or parts of the primary sound generating process? 
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classification_table.1669799807.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/30 09:16 by mete
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