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daniel_corral [2020/03/02 10:33] metedaniel_corral [2022/04/05 10:47] (current) mete
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 Daniel Corral is most known for making use of button controllers to make microtonal audio visual music. He also makes various cacophonous sound sculptures out of music boxes that are controlled through mechanical means.  Daniel Corral is most known for making use of button controllers to make microtonal audio visual music. He also makes various cacophonous sound sculptures out of music boxes that are controlled through mechanical means. 
-Official Youtube ((https://www.youtube.com/user/spinalfrog/videos)) +Official Youtube ((https://www.youtube.com/user/spinalfrog/videos))\\ 
- +Website ((http://spinalfrog.com/)) \\ 
-Website ((http://spinalfrog.com/))  +Instagram ((https://www.instagram.com/spinalfrog/)) \\ 
- +Article written for Xenharmonikon about the piece Polytope ((https://www.xenharmonikon.org/2022/01/04/polytope/)) \\
-Instagram ((https://www.instagram.com/spinalfrog/)) +
daniel_corral.1583145189.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/02 10:33 by mete
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