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essential_sound [2021/03/17 12:30] meteessential_sound [2021/03/17 12:31] (current) mete
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 Some examples of essential sounds are the crackling of hot coals as they burn, or the sound of the rain falling onto various materials. These sounds have the property of being purely based of the material interactions between the parts of these instruments. Almost never are essential sound instruments directly interacted with by a player. Most often the player simply sets the material properties that produce an essential sound into motion (such as lighting the coals but not interacting with the sound any further). \\ Some examples of essential sounds are the crackling of hot coals as they burn, or the sound of the rain falling onto various materials. These sounds have the property of being purely based of the material interactions between the parts of these instruments. Almost never are essential sound instruments directly interacted with by a player. Most often the player simply sets the material properties that produce an essential sound into motion (such as lighting the coals but not interacting with the sound any further). \\
-Another example is the [[Iannis Xenakis]] piece Concret PH ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsOyxFybxPY)) This piece is a recording of hot coals being burned in a specific acoustic space. Though the tape recording has been manipulated the coals and to an extent the room they were recorded in can be considered a essential sound instrument. +Another example is the [[Iannis Xenakis]] piece Concret PH ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsOyxFybxPY)) This piece is a recording of hot coals being burned in a specific acoustic space. Though the tape recording has been manipulated the coalsand to an extent the room they were recorded incan be considered a essential sound instrument. 
 ===Is it an Instrument?=== ===Is it an Instrument?===
essential_sound.1615984253.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/17 12:30 by mete
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