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instruments [2019/11/26 13:15] meteinstruments [2021/09/23 12:53] (current) – [Unusual innovations on existing instruments] mete
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-This page is still in early development. To see a much more complete list see [[Makers]].+This page is still in early development. \\ 
 +To see a much more complete list see [[Makers]]. \\ 
 +This list will become longer then the makers list.\\ 
 +All the makers featured have at least one instrument to list and most have made more then one instrument that can be featured on this wiki
 ======Instruments====== ======Instruments======
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 ======Unusual innovations on existing instruments====== ======Unusual innovations on existing instruments======
 [[Recorder]]\\ [[Recorder]]\\
 [[Ocarina]]\\ [[Ocarina]]\\
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 ======Instrument that may have pages in the future ====== ======Instrument that may have pages in the future ======
-Sea Organ  +Sea Organ \\ 
- +Lego Harpsichord ((http://www.oddmusic.com/gallery/om21250.html)) ((http://www.henrylim.org/Harpsichord.html)) \\ 
 +Tannerin ((http://www.oddmusic.com/gallery/om30500.html)) ((http://www.tompolk.com/Tannerin/Tannerin.html))\\
instruments.1574774100.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/26 13:15 by mete
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