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instruments [2019/11/26 13:17] meteinstruments [2021/09/23 12:53] (current) – [Unusual innovations on existing instruments] mete
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-This page is still in early development. To see a much more complete list see [[Makers]]. This list will become longer then the makers list, because all the makers featured have one instrument to list and most make more then one unique new instrument that can be featured on this wiki. +This page is still in early development. \\ 
 +To see a much more complete list see [[Makers]]. \\ 
 +This list will become longer then the makers list.\\ 
 +All the makers featured have at least one instrument to list and most have made more then one instrument that can be featured on this wiki. 
 ======Instruments====== ======Instruments======
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 ======Unusual innovations on existing instruments====== ======Unusual innovations on existing instruments======
 [[Recorder]]\\ [[Recorder]]\\
 [[Ocarina]]\\ [[Ocarina]]\\
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 ======Instrument that may have pages in the future ====== ======Instrument that may have pages in the future ======
-Sea Organ  +Sea Organ \\ 
- +Lego Harpsichord ((http://www.oddmusic.com/gallery/om21250.html)) ((http://www.henrylim.org/Harpsichord.html)) \\ 
 +Tannerin ((http://www.oddmusic.com/gallery/om30500.html)) ((http://www.tompolk.com/Tannerin/Tannerin.html))\\
instruments.1574774253.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/26 13:17 by mete
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