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As Justice Yeldhan

Justice Yeldham is known for his unique, dramatic, and physically harmful performance methods. Yeldham performs with amplified shards of glass which he hold against his mouth and lips in various ways to create a unique set of sounds. He considers the tone of his work to be a collective anxiety that he shares with the audience who are spectators to his self flagellation. Recordings of him have been used by the group Death grips.


I am unsure if the shards of glass that Yeldman uses should be viewed as found objects/readymade objects or if they fall into another category. He seems to be selective with the size and shape of the pieces he uses and he also seems selective with the shards as well. There is a very real potential that the selections he makes have effects on the sound output of his performances.

Website- 1)
Justice Yeldman- 2)
Youtube Channel- 3)
Interview- 4)
Talk- 5)

justice_yeldham.1666166400.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/10/19 08:00 by mete
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