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makers [2025/01/11 09:35] – [K] metemakers [2025/01/30 01:32] (current) – [D] mete
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 [[Bryan Day]]- Acoustic electric musical instrument maker known for his Metric Tapewarp. In the [[Euphotic]] ensemble along with [[Cheryl Leonard]]\\  [[Bryan Day]]- Acoustic electric musical instrument maker known for his Metric Tapewarp. In the [[Euphotic]] ensemble along with [[Cheryl Leonard]]\\ 
 [[John Calhoun Deagan]]- of the [[Deagan Instruments|Deagan Percussion Company]] fame.\\ [[John Calhoun Deagan]]- of the [[Deagan Instruments|Deagan Percussion Company]] fame.\\
-[[David Defois]]- Inventor of the Korn BAss also known as the Boudophone, a slide didgeridoo that is geared to allow the sliding action to have a much larger range. ((https://www.kanarchoad.com/fr/instruments/korn-bass/)) ((https://www.wakademy.online/en/blog/didgeridoo-crafters/interview-with-david-defois-creator-of-the-didgeridoo-trombone/)) ((https://www.facebook.com/david.defois.75/))\\ +[[David Defois]]- Inventor of the Korn Bass also known as the Boudophone, a slide didgeridoo that is geared to allow the sliding action to have a much larger range. ((https://www.kanarchoad.com/fr/instruments/korn-bass/)) ((https://www.wakademy.online/en/blog/didgeridoo-crafters/interview-with-david-defois-creator-of-the-didgeridoo-trombone/)) ((https://www.facebook.com/david.defois.75/)) ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mn14bf2iYY)) \\ 
 [[Erin Demastes]]- An [[electromechanical]] instrument maker who often uses household objects and sounds. \\ [[Erin Demastes]]- An [[electromechanical]] instrument maker who often uses household objects and sounds. \\
 [[Constance Demby]]- Experimental Musician and inventor of the [[Space Bass]] and [[Whale Sail]]\\ [[Constance Demby]]- Experimental Musician and inventor of the [[Space Bass]] and [[Whale Sail]]\\
makers.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/30 01:32 by mete
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