Parameters that effect the sound characteristics of an ocarina

This is as complete as possible of a list of factors that effect the way an ocarina sounds. Ocarinas are frequently modeled in a very simplified manner that does not get at how many of


Changing the parameter-

Things that effect the volume either-
Makes the ocarina Louder (can also just be for the top/bottom of range)
Makes the ocarina Quieter (can also just be for the top/bottom of range)

Things that effect the pitch position-
Makes the ocarina higher pinched (range stays the same)
Makes the ocarina lower pitched (range stays the same)

Things that effect the pitch range-
Makes the ocarina have less of a range (pitch position stays the same)
Makes the ocarina have more of a range (pitch position stays the same)

Things that effect the timbre-
Makes the ocarina breathier
Makes the ocarina clearer

Things that effect total air use-
Makes the ocarina require more air to play
Makes the ocarina require less air to play

Things that effect how quickly the ocarina sounds-
Makes the ocarina take longer to speak
Makes the ocarina take less time to speak

Properties that effect the core parameters

Total length of windway
Width of windway
Height of windway
taper of windway (either height or width or both)

Windway opening into the voicing hole-
Shape of the exit of the windway into the voicing hole
taper of the exit of the windway into the voicing hole
Shape of chamber below windway opening
height of windway opening (to outside, or inside of the chamber)
angle of windway as compared to chamber

Labium and voicing-
Curvature of labium
slope of labium
shape of the labium edge (round, teardrop, rectangular, ect)
size of voicing hole
proximity of solid surfaces to voicing such as face or sheltering
proximity of tone holes near the voicing

wall thickness-
amount of wall on the note holes

external factors-
shape and size of room
amount of echo (harmonic reinforcement) of room
Density of air


ocarina_characteristics.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/02/25 22:07 by mete
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