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principles [2023/07/21 01:49] – [Arts and Culture Related] meteprinciples [2024/09/17 09:26] (current) – [In Need of Terms] mete
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 [[Vernacular instrument]]  [[Vernacular instrument]] 
-[[Trash Orchestra]]- Ensembles that have a specific aesthetic involving primarily using found materials, garbage, and also have a dominate theme of eco-friendliness, environmentalism and recycling.  \\+[[Trash Orchestra]]- Ensembles that have a specific aesthetic involving primarily using found materials, improvised materials, garbage, and also have a dominate theme of eco-friendliness, environmentalism and recycling.  \\ 
 +[[Improvised Instruments]]- Instruments made from improvised materials, frequently made from cheap and easily available mass produced instruments that have been modified. Sometimes these instruments are about [[essential sound]] and other times they are [[trash orchestra|trash instruments]]\\
 [[One Man Band]]\\ [[One Man Band]]\\
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 [[Stratification]]- Used to describe cultural elements (in this case instruments) that tend to exist only in specific cultural contexts or with specific groups. \\ [[Stratification]]- Used to describe cultural elements (in this case instruments) that tend to exist only in specific cultural contexts or with specific groups. \\
 +[[aleatory]]- Music that is intentionally structured in a way that includes random chance operations and or indeterminacy. \\ 
 +[[indeterminacy]] \\ 
 ====Electroacoustic and Electronic Instrument Related==== ====Electroacoustic and Electronic Instrument Related====
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 ====In Need of Terms==== ====In Need of Terms====
 +Two related terms-\\
 +Instruments that have a very restrictive range, pitch series, or functionality that are built or assembled specifically to fulfill a purpose, such as the notes needed in a song. An example being the taxi horns used for the American in Paris. A good example is [[les_fo_plafonds]] playing Satisfaction ((https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zCuPcj69mpc))  \\
 +Instruments that have narrow set of usable parts that are modular and intended to be rearranged for the purposes of playing a specific piece. Think of the marimba bars that are arranged in order to a song, with the player being able to go from one side to the next and play the correct bars in sequence. There are multiple bars of each pitch, but the array allows for rapid playing of a single piece that can then be rearranged as needed. A good example of this is [[les_fo_plafonds]] playing ((https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_zuH4HCB2U/)). \\
 +These two techniques are very common in cover groups and performance groups like the [[blueman group]] \\   
 a term for instruments that are intentionally against high craftsmanship or that avoid using difficult constructions methods, DIY instrument look, think of cigar box banjos/ guitars. This term differs from people who want to specifically create well made low cost instruments in that this aesthetic entails a certain roughness to the sound outcomes as well, the instruments in this case are intended to sound like DIY instruments. \\  a term for instruments that are intentionally against high craftsmanship or that avoid using difficult constructions methods, DIY instrument look, think of cigar box banjos/ guitars. This term differs from people who want to specifically create well made low cost instruments in that this aesthetic entails a certain roughness to the sound outcomes as well, the instruments in this case are intended to sound like DIY instruments. \\ 
principles.1689904194.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/21 01:49 by mete
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