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Uwu what's that? The intersection of horny and cringe.
the voice that is the intersection of gay and autistic

personal notes

Make a list of furry musicians, discuss the 3 classes of furry music-
Music adopted by furries
Music made by furries
Music made by furries for furries
see Furry Music Makers

Online Mediated voice

Furry memes, how do they reference literal voice?
how is the literal voice used to represent memes?
For example Uwu whats this? It was likely originally a text meme, but it is now commonly a vocal expression

The muffled voice- The voice of a fursuit, projection through a fursuit
The voiceless, fursuiting and only signing
ventriloquism in suit is it my voice or the voice of my sona?

collective noise making. starting a 'howl' as a group


Is there a distinct voice that furries have?
what is the vernacular, mannerisms, and inflection of that voice?
What element does cringe play in this?

is there a relationship to the child voice, the queer voice, and the autistic voice?
Is infantilization a key element of this?



Uwu whats this? notices your bulge

First iteration I saw of the meme- (also its a deer)
Bolgy Wolgy | OwO What's This? Notices Animation Meme (Flipaclip)

i turned a bad copypasta into a bad rap Senzawa

Russel Buck's Album Ravepop

Russel Buck 1) 2) 3)


Gay Deer World Takeover 4)
Renard feat. Futret - GABBERSTÄG 5)

Convention Footage


Should we start a howl? Little Alpha Pup at Nordic Fuzzcon 2024 6)


2024/10/29 22:37Wesley Hicks
2024/10/11 18:10Wesley Hicks

the_furry_voice.1728670221.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/11 18:10 by mete
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