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This is a list of the various music related essays I have written.
All essays on this wiki should be considered in progress and not in any form complete.
For completed essays please see my main website 1). This wiki is for my research notes and the essays featured here are subject to being changed as my research on their topics progresses. These changes can be all at once and rapid or prolonged and awaiting specific pinpoints of information to become available.

To see the list on Instrument Terminology see Sound Making Principles
To see the list of articles on Instrument Makers see Makers.


'Hicks' Classification- A musical instrument classification system I am working on.
Classification Table- The descriptive table of the classes.

Oiling Wind Instruments
A Commission To Set Standards for the Ocarina
Pitch Fluid Wind Instruments

Essay Style Articles

These are articles that are periphery to other topics on this wiki, mostly pertaining the groups of makers or specific reoccurring instruments by various makers.


Essays in a low state of being completed

History of the Ocarina
The Dog Whistle- Essay on the history and misinformation about dog whistles.
Homemade Pads for Wind Instruments
Making Pickups

Alloys- Looking into the Bronze and Brass Alloys used for making musical instruments.
What exactly is a reed?

essays.1680167083.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/03/30 05:04 by mete
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