Vibrating the body of the instrument itself generates sound

1.1 Struck idiophones (11)
  1.1.1 Directly struck idiophones (111)
  1.1.2 Indirectly struck idiophones (112)

1.2 Plucked idiophones (12)
  1.2.1 In the form of a frame (121)
  1.2.2 In the form of a comb (122)

1.3 Friction idiophones (13)
  1.3.1 Friction sticks (131)
  1.3.2 Friction plaques (132)

  1.3.3 Friction vessels (133)

1.4 Blown idiophones (14)
  1.4.1 Blown sticks (141)
  1.4.2 Blown plaques (142)

1.5 Unclassified idiophones (15)

idiophones.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/10 05:48 by mete
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