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the_furry_voice [2024/10/11 18:10] – created metethe_furry_voice [2024/10/28 19:09] (current) mete
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 ==== THE FURRY VOICE ==== ==== THE FURRY VOICE ====
 +[[voice_studies]] \\
 Uwu what's that? The intersection of horny and cringe. \\ Uwu what's that? The intersection of horny and cringe. \\
 the voice that is the intersection of gay and autistic \\  the voice that is the intersection of gay and autistic \\ 
 +what is the furry fandom, (write an explanation for Nina) \\
 ===personal notes=== ===personal notes===
 Make a list of furry musicians, discuss the 3 classes of furry music- \\ Make a list of furry musicians, discuss the 3 classes of furry music- \\
 Music adopted by furries \\ Music adopted by furries \\
Line 9: Line 15:
 Music made by furries for furries \\ Music made by furries for furries \\
 see [[Furry Music Makers]] \\ see [[Furry Music Makers]] \\
 +video game music \\
 +the monster in its ability to be more then human. \\
 +the benefits or the repair of the monster \\
 +furry translators \\
 +furry text generators \\
 +which body do people focus on, the body of the 'voice actor' or the body of the character? \\
 +online sonic violence. think who is doxxed and why, does this have a relation to furry voice? \\
 +furry sound ecology, relation to furry sound and animals in the ecological sense \\
 +==Does the voice match the body?-==
 +With the furry voice there seems to be a miss-match between the body of the speaker and the voice emitted. This is present in both the use of furry voice  and the use of speaking while in fursuit. \\
 +Why are furries not suppose to speak while in fursuit? \\
 +Who is vocalizing? \\ 
 +what is vocalized? \\
 +what is communicated? \\
 +what is perceived? heard? noted? \\
 +what is notated ('measured') \\
Line 18: Line 46:
-==Con related voice==+==Con related (social event space) voice== 
 +How do people make assumptions about speech at cons?  
 +One can talk differently at a con without any confusions about it, why is that? There is a sense of consensus about a shift in language, a code switching? or is it something else? I continuous and mass role play of sorts? is it a special performance? \\ 
 +collective noise making. starting a 'howl' as a group \\ 
 +==The voice in Fursuit== 
 The muffled voice- The voice of a fursuit, projection through a fursuit \\ The muffled voice- The voice of a fursuit, projection through a fursuit \\
 The voiceless, fursuiting and only signing \\ The voiceless, fursuiting and only signing \\
 ventriloquism in suit is it my voice or the voice of my sona? \\  ventriloquism in suit is it my voice or the voice of my sona? \\ 
-collective noise making. starting a 'howl' as a group \\ 
 ===Questions=== ===Questions===
 Is there a distinct voice that furries have? \\ Is there a distinct voice that furries have? \\
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 Is infantilization a key element of this? \\  Is infantilization a key element of this? \\ 
 +Furry online spaces. Define how telegram, twitter and other online spaces define how furries communicate. 
 +This is not the voice, but informs the voices with a back and forth of culture and communication. \\
 +for example Uwu and owo both are a visual object (faces) as well as pronounced and spoken language. There is an element of how the online informs the spoken and the spoken then feedbacks to the online. \\ 
 ====Media==== ====Media====
 ===MUSIC=== ===MUSIC===
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 ==Noises== ==Noises==
 Should we start a howl? Little Alpha Pup at Nordic Fuzzcon 2024 ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSz5YamzWJM)) \\  Should we start a howl? Little Alpha Pup at Nordic Fuzzcon 2024 ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSz5YamzWJM)) \\ 
 +===Speculative Bibliography=== 
 +from The Queen’s Throat: Opera, Homosexuality, and Gender, Wayne Koestenbaum \\
 +Opera Queens (for [[Contemporary_opera]]) \\ 
 +The Shut-in Fan: Opera at Home \\ 
 +The Codes of Deva Conduct \\ 
 +The Queen's Throat: Or, How to Sing \\
 +Transgender Passing Guides and the Vocal Performance of Gender and Sexuality, Stephan Pennington  \\
 +from Foundations of Voice Studies An Interdisciplinary Approach to Voice Production and Perception- \\
 +8 Linguistic Uses of Voice Quality: How Voice Signals Linguistic and Pragmatic Aspects of Communication, Jody Kreiman & Diana Sidtis \\
 +9 Perception of E1notion and Personality fro1n Voice, Jody Kreiman & Diana Sidtis\\
 +from Sounding Off: Theorizing Disability in Music- \\
 +Introduction: Theorizing Disability in Music, Neil Lerner & Joseph N. Straus \\  
 +Learning to Hear Autistically, Dave Headlam \\
 +The Organ of the Soul: Voice, Damage, and Affect, Laurie Stras \\
 +Monster Culture (Seven Thesis) Jeffrey Jerome Cohen \\
 +Yerfology- ((https://yerfology.wordpress.com/furry-in-academia/)) These are readings recommended by Yerf, with the following readings I want to pull out any information I can find on how queerness and autism are interlinked into the furry fandom, I am hoping to find references to these qualities of voice in here.  \\
 +The Furry Fandom: Moving Transgender into the Posthuman, Jessica Ruth Austin, SAMLA 90 conference papers ((https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328355317_The_Furry_Fandom_Moving_Transgender_into_the_Posthuman))\\
 +Keeping the Magic: Fursona Identity and Performance in the Furry Fandom, Jakob Maase ((https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/1512/)) \\ 
 +Wolves, Dragons, and Ponies… Oh My! Fursonas and Stigmatization in the “Human” World, Torie E. Lucas ((https://libres.uncg.edu/ir/listing.aspx?styp=ti&id=21933)) \\ 
 +Alternative Identity Mediation Across Space and Performance, Calvin Liu (no link found yet)\\ 
 +Hanging Out in the Virtual Pub: Masculinities and Relationships Online, Lori Kendall \\
 +Trans youth and social media: moving between counterpublics and the wider web, Olu Jenzen, pp. 1626-1641 \\
 +Breaking Down Stereotypes: A Look at the Performance of Self-Identity Within The Furry Community, Sherry A. Jeansonne ((https://digital.library.txstate.edu/handle/10877/4398)) \\ 
 +“There’s A Little Bit of That Magic Where I’m Becoming Something Else”: LGBT+ Furry Identity Formation and Belonging Online, Mary Heinz, The Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography, vol. 10 no. 2. \\
 +Bringing out the animal in me: An examination of art and the individual within the Furry subculture, Jacqueline Danielle Guerrier \\ 
 +Becoming deer: Nonhuman drag and online utopias,Debra Ferreday \\ 
 +Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Affect, Mel Y Chen \\ 
 +Affect, Animals, and Autists: Feeling Around the Edges of the Human in Performance, - \\
 +Furry Cartography: Performing Species, Marla Carlson, Theatre Journal, Vol. 63, no. 2, pages 191-208 \\
 +Posthum/an/ous: Identity, Imagination, and the Internet, Eric Stephan Altman \\ 
 +“It Gives me Thunder”: Reflections on “Becoming Fur.”, Chris Seabrook \\
 +Fursonas: Furries, Community, and Identity Online, Ben Silverman \\
 +Furry Nation: The True Story of America’s Most Misunderstood Subculture, Joe Strike \\  
 +from Furscience: A Decade of Psychological Research on the Furry Fandom- ((https://furscience.com/publications/))\\ 
 +Chapter 2 – Furry 101: A (Brief) history of the Furry Fandom, Joe Strike (specifically on the coining of the word furry) \\
 +Chapter 5 – What’s a Furry?, Courtney “Nuka” Plante \\
 +Chapter 7 – Fursonas – Up Close and Fursonal, Courtney “Nuka” Plante \\
 +Chapter 10 – OwO What’s This? Sex and Pornography, Thomas R. Brooks, Frances H. I. Henry, Anna R. Henry, Courtney “Nuka” Plante \\
 +Chapter 11 – Fuzzy Lines: Subgroups and Furry-Adjacent Groups Stephen Reysen, Courtney “Nuka” Plante \\
 +Chapter 14 – Racialized Identity Groups and Ethnicity in the Furry Fandom, Sharon E. Roberts, Camielle Adams, Courtney “Nuka” Plante \\
 +Chapter 15 – Sex and Gender in the Furry Fandom, Anna Renee Henry, Frances H. I. Henry, Sharon E. Roberts, Courtney “Nuka” Plante \\
 +Chapter 16 – Sexual Orientation in the Furry Fandom, Frances H. I. Henry, Anna Renee Henry \\
 +{{youtube>X0X2Ql0UDzs}} \\ 
 +Flüfferdämmerung((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0X2Ql0UDzs)) is a furry opera it name translates to Whisper Twilight\\
 +Called a Nordic Opera and took place on February 22nd, 2024, in Malmö, Sweden during NordicFuzzCon \\
 +Produced by Vozzy & Chester \\
 +Libretto by Valkyrie Tina \\
 +Narrated by Pinky Fennec \\
 +Singers- \\ 
 +Modi: Chester The Geroo \\
 +Forsetti: Dan The Singing Tiger \\
 +Grettir: Little Alpha Pup \\
 +Heroes: NFC Dance Ensemble \\
 +Musicians- \\ 
 +Violin/Piano: Vozzy The Fox \\
 +Contrabass: Kimbo Burr \\
 +Piano/Flute/Hurdy-Gurdy: Coda Thayle \\
 +Production crew- \\
 +Choreographer: Nimalen \\
 +Lights, Sound & Video: NFC STEW \\
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 {{topic> furry}} \\  {{topic> furry}} \\ 
-{{tag>[furry theory all]}} \\+{{tag>[furry theory voice_studies all]}} \\
the_furry_voice.1728670221.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/11 18:10 by mete
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