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xenharmonicon [2022/04/05 10:35] metexenharmonicon [2022/04/05 10:40] (current) – [NOTES] mete
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-The Xenharmonicon was magazine that ran from 1974 to 1998 that had a focus on experimental and microtonal music. The magazine was published by [[John H. Chalmers]] through the University of California San Diego. There is no known digital copies of the magazine but there is an archive of the articles that were originally published in it+The Xenharmonicon is journal with a focus of experimental music and microtonal music. The magazine is published by [[Bill Alves]] and [[John H. Chalmers]] along with a curatorial board.
 ====Current Journal 2018+==== ====Current Journal 2018+====
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 ====Historic Issues 1974-1998==== ====Historic Issues 1974-1998====
 +The Xenharmonicon was a journal that ran from 1974 to 1998 that had a focus on experimental and microtonal music. The magazine was published by [[John H. Chalmers]] through the University of California San Diego. There is no known digital copies of the magazine but there is an archive of the articles that were originally published in it. 
 ===Volume 1 (Spring 1974)=== ===Volume 1 (Spring 1974)===
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 p. 124  p. 124 
-===NOTES=== +====NOTES==== 
-There is a new journal started in 2018 also running under the name Xenharmonikon ((https://www.xenharmonikon.org/about/))+There is a new journal started in 2018 also running under the name Xenharmonikon ((https://www.xenharmonikon.org/about/))\\
 Link to with Web Archive (snapshot from December 17th 2001) of the Xenharmonicon website ((https://web.archive.org/web/20011217135938/http://www.tiac.net/users/xen/xh/tables-of-contents.html))  Link to with Web Archive (snapshot from December 17th 2001) of the Xenharmonicon website ((https://web.archive.org/web/20011217135938/http://www.tiac.net/users/xen/xh/tables-of-contents.html)) 
 +The historic issues are available to purchase as physical copies (still no digital copies to be found) ((http://frogpeak.org/fpartists/fpchalmers.html)) \\
xenharmonicon.1649154940.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/05 10:35 by mete
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